Bevásárlókosár: 0 Huf

LK Baits Pet Puffed Rice 1kg

This treat is made without additives and is puffed through rapid heating, which opens it up.This allows for easy digestibility for animals.Puffing, which involves expanding, preserves all the nutritious elements.Barf enthusiasts can also benefit from it; puffed rice can be served as a supplement to meat or as part of a balanced diet.It can be served either dry or soaked in warm water." Teljes leírás

Katalógus szám: 7775001

Gyártó: LK Baits PETs

558 Huf

- +


This treat is made without additives and is puffed through rapid heating, which opens it up. This allows for easy digestibility for animals. Puffing, which involves expanding, preserves all the nutritious elements. Barf enthusiasts can also benefit from it; puffed rice can be served as a supplement to meat or as part of a balanced diet. It can be served either dry or soaked in warm water."

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