Bevásárlókosár: 0 Huf

LK Baits Lukas Krasa Boilies Nutric Acid 14mm, 800g

Perhaps one of the most effective carp baits in the world.I have developed Nutric Acid in times when I was regularly fishing gravel pits.These venues are similar worldwide and I have tried to integrate maximum levels of natural ingredients such as pine resins, herbs or benthic organisms present in every gravel pit around the world.Carps consider Nutric Acid to be natural food source and its smell stimulates their appetite.Boilies contain 20% of All Amino Nutric and turns them into a carp magnet. Teljes leírás

Katalógus szám: 04061511

Gyártó: LK Baits

9 622 Huf

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Variáns neve Elérhetőség Ár/db Mennyiség  
Top ReStart Nutric Acid 18 mm, 250 g Top ReStart Nutric Acid 18 mm, 250 g
több ,mint 10 db
2 642 Huf
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Lukas Krasa Nutric ACID Boilies 30 mm, 1kg Lukas Krasa Nutric ACID Boilies 30 mm, 1kg
több ,mint 10 db
9 622 Huf
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LK Baits Lukas Krasa Boilies Nutric Acid 14mm, 800g LK Baits Lukas Krasa Boilies Nutric Acid 14mm, 800g
több ,mint 10 db
9 622 Huf
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Lukas Krasa Nutric ACID Boilies 18 mm, 1kg Lukas Krasa Nutric ACID Boilies 18 mm, 1kg
több ,mint 10 db
9 622 Huf
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Lukas Krasa Nutric ACID Boilies 20 mm, 1kg Lukas Krasa Nutric ACID Boilies 20 mm, 1kg
több ,mint 10 db
9 622 Huf
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Lukas Krasa Nutric ACID Boilies 24 mm, 1kg Lukas Krasa Nutric ACID Boilies 24 mm, 1kg
több ,mint 10 db
9 622 Huf
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Perhaps one of the most effective carp baits in the world. I have developed Nutric Acid in times when I was regularly fishing gravel pits. These venues are similar worldwide and I have tried to integrate maximum levels of natural ingredients such as pine resins, herbs or benthic organisms present in every gravel pit around the world. Carps consider Nutric Acid to be natural food source and its smell stimulates their appetite. Boilies contain 20% of All Amino Nutric and turns them into a carp magnet. This blend of enzymes and bacterially treated ingredients guarantees twice as easier digestion in comparison with conventional benthic organisms. Nutric Acid is year-round effective on all types of venues but being developed for gravel pits, it performs best there. Did you know: Nutric Acid is available since 2011 and has produced countless personal bests worldwide since then?

Kapcsolódó termékek

Lukas Krasa Nutric ACID Boilies 18 mm, 1kg

Ajánljuk 6 változatok Lukas Krasa Nutric ACID Boilies 18 mm, 1kg

Možná jedna z nejúčinnějších nástrah na světě, která byla pro lov kaprů vyvinuta. Nutric Acid jsem…

ettől 9 622 Huf
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LK Baits Jeseter Special Boilies Cheese 18mm, 1kg

Ajánljuk LK Baits Jeseter Special Boilies Cheese 18mm, 1kg

Ez egy speciális bojlicsalád, amelyet kifejezetten kapitális tokhalak horgászatára szánunk. Ezek a…

4 387 Huf
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LK Baits Lukas Krasa Nutra Stimul -L Nutric Acid 200 ml

3 változatok LK Baits Lukas Krasa Nutra Stimul -L Nutric Acid  200 ml

Nutra Stimul -L Nutric Acid

ettől 7 143 Huf
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Lukas Krasa Nutric ACID Boilies 20 mm, 1kg

Ajánljuk 6 változatok Lukas Krasa Nutric ACID Boilies 20 mm, 1kg

Možná jedna z nejúčinnějších nástrah na světě, která byla pro lov kaprů vyvinuta. Nutric Acid jsem…

ettől 9 622 Huf
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LK Baits Fresh Boilies Lukas Krasa Black Protein 18mm 200ml

2 változatok LK Baits Fresh Boilies Lukas Krasa Black Protein 18mm 200ml

Friss dipelt csalizó bojli. A Fresh bojlit nem szárítjuk, főzés után egyenesen All Amino Nutric és a…

ettől 2 430 Huf
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LK Baits Aroma Compot NHDC 100ml

LK Baits Aroma Compot NHDC 100ml

LK Baits Aroma Compot NHDC 100ml

6 980 Huf
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LK Baits Pet Beef Cubes 100g

LK Baits Pet Beef Cubes 100g

This natural ingredient is preserved by hot air drying, without the use of any chemical preservatives…

1 582 Huf
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